As Christmas comes to a close I want to say that I got everything I wanted. It was not about the presents under the tree or the yummy food. It was about family, friends and being in every moment. Funny how life is and where it takes you and what it brings you into your life. Everything has a way of working out and despite the stresses, bumps and bruises along the way it is important to count your every blessing. I did just that this season…
I was thankful for my family that was together……
New Friends and Old Friends………..Especially those girlfriends of mine (some pictured below but so many more!)
My studio: My heaven, my happy place….a place where I invite my creative friends into and I express myself openly…….
Christmas flowers…….I love flowers!
A glass of wine, the sunset, the beach…….three of my favorites that make me stop, look, and listen to what is around me especially when life gets busy….how can you not!
The beloved Furball who taught me not to sweat the small stuff and loves us all unconditionally! Nice to have this toasty bed warmer to wake up with….
My kids, my greatest joys who every day make me a better person……
I am blessed beyond belief. As I bring this year to a close I saw this saying the other day…
"You are exactly who, what, where you are supposed to be and you are lovely (anything else would just be plain ridiculous)"
From time to time I have doubted the path to get here and be me but have never stopped walking along and loving where it has taken me. 2012 brings a whole new year, new paths to follow and trust that everything has a way of working out. Counting your blessings is always the best path to follow!
Brights Blessings for your new year and your path ♥
"I'll never be on the cover of some glamour magazine. I'll never wear a crown or be a beauty queen. There are days I look like hell, … There are days I show my age, But in my heart… where it counts I'm Beautiful all the same. I might not save the world, I'll never cure some deadly disease. Won't fly above the trees But I'll do my best to change the world a little each day. I'll do my best to make a difference, Touch the heart of someone as much as I can, Make a mark on the world where it counts. I know many who will try to put me down, Many who would love to see me fail, But I know who I am and that's where it counts." ~ Written by K.D. Storm