I love it when my schedule allows me to stay home and smell the vineyards.  I just celebrated at our local Ramona Art & Wine Festival (more on that soon!) and guess who made the front page of our local paper…moi!!


So back to painting at home.  I am excited to announce I will be back at Pamo Valley Winery.  Come paint and sip wine with me at this lovely winery:


You can all the winery or myself to sign up or go direct here:   https://tracyweinzapfelstudios.com/event/dec18_pamo/  We have a max of 15 people for this class.  Just bring some glass and I will have the all the supplies to make gifts, vases, ornaments, and anything glass!  I love all the amazing things people bring to paint on.  Dollar Tree is a great resource for inexpensive glass items!

See you at the Winery!

Stop rushing.  Breathe.  Be where you are.  You’re where you’re supposed to be at this very moment.  Every step and experience is necessary.”