Yesterday was one of those days that a few nice things came back in unexpected ways. I have found that when you create from your heart…….it is truly amazing. I saw this quote and it hit me…..
I used to be Ms. OverThinker, Ms. Do What You Are Supposed To, Ms. ThinkitallThrough. Then I discovered that when you expose your heart, truly dig deep and trust yourself the creativity will flow. It sounds simple but sometimes the Brain takes over and closes up the heart. My latest “Let it Go” Journal page embraces this exact philosophy:
Thursday I had the pleasure of talking to someone who took my “Heart & Soul” Class and I distinctly remembered her from our first chance meeting. She freely let me know that she tunes in every Monday for Mixed Media Monday but does not participate in the chat and takes in the projects I am doing. She said she noticed that her husband (a truck driver) also stops to watch and he was amused by my humor every Monday. (Yeah for the guys who support their women & their art!!!!!!!) She went on to say that I have a spirit and aura about me that inspires her and so many others. (I am not sure she saw the tear that welled up in my eyes but if she did it was real). Terry showed me pictures of her work…….beautiful! I was thankful for that initial chance meeting and for our chat yesterday.
Thursday I also got this email:
“Tracy, I found your Monday You Tube through Pinterest. I watched the last episode and felt a special awakening in my soul. I have been wanting to do an art journal. My usual medium is collage (cut and paste magazines to tell a story), but I have been drawn to watercolor. I went to Michaels with a 50% off coupon and bought a watercolor set. Today, I set out to let my inspiration flow. The attached are what I spent today doing.” ~ Bonnie S.
I got permission to share a couple of her pieces (she sent me 9!)
I don’t need the feedback but sometimes I feel like I am in a white padded room just painting away alone. I am blown away by the emails, messages, comments on my blog that I get on a daily basis from those who have embraced their creative side by something they saw from me. Today was one of those days.
I keep walking the walk on this journey and believing that when you truly create from the heart in your job, at home, with friends/family it comes back in so many ways. You may never know the impact you have on someone but today Terry and Bonnie took the time to tell me and I feel humbled.
It is the thing I need to believe in my heart and my art. I invite you to turn off that brain and create from your heart. LET IT GO and embrace where you are in that heart of yours. As an Artist sometimes those highs and lows can be the best places to embrace creatively.
“Go for long walks. Indulge in great conversations. Pay attention to the moment. Count your blessings. Let go for a little while and just be and breathe.”