This weekend was the calm before family and friends arriving, a wedding, breaking ground for construction, studio remodel and more! It was quiet, peaceful and included time in the Studio working. I appreciated that time and really needed it. I have lots of studio projects in the works while wanting to balance the time I need off in the next weeks to come. In the midst of the projects I took a break in the art journal. I blasted John Legend on Pandora and worked backwards. I drew first….
it was refreshing to mix it up…..
as I look to the future……….to live the life I want to live. I am moving forward one step at a time. Taking on new fun projects but being mindful not to take on too much. One day at a time. scared, excited and grateful to mix it up every once in awhile. So as this weeks to come unfold I need to remind myself to stop and take a break. Even if it means slipping into my studio for a break.
There is absolutely nothing about your present situation that prevents you from following your dreams, one step at a time. Use each setback, each disappointment as a cue to push on ahead with more determination than ever before.”
I am so excited for you and all the wonderful things that are coming your way. Just remember to breathe and take time to enjoy it all.
doing just that Dawn. Thanks!
Enjoy all the chaos to come. Remember to give yourself permission to break away and relax during the chaos or you will be one fried momma.
Thanks Kerri! Happy to have family coming in to help 🙂