Another proud mommy moment for me. Micky had her recital and did a wonderful job. I am not sure at the age of 4 I could have gotten up and danced in front of a ton of strangers. I was wondering what those little ones were thinking because they did not have a dress rehearsal at the performing arts center so when they filed on the stage and the lights came up you could see all these little eyes staring at the audience in surprise. It was adorable and I was fill with tons of pride. The little ones were so cute because it is more of a floundering performance and the mistakes earn many of the applause and smiles. I absolutely loved it. After her recital I took
her for an ice cream with a friend. Of course I tell Micky to not tell her brothers of our little treat. So what does she do when we walk in….”Mommy bought me ice cream and bubble gum”. Gotta love her ability to hold a secret for all of 7 seconds. Tyler and Micky have had their mommy time so Joey is next on the list.
Tomorrow begins my attack on packing to get serious about Lake Powell.