Today we got a day off of sorts. Tyler woke up with a fever and sore throat so everything was canceled and we all stayed home. I felt bad canceling everything but Tyler comes first and He needed that time to get better. I hope he is better tomorrow because unfortunately we don’t have the luxury to stay home . I have a family scheduled for family photos so keeping my fingers crossed that Tyler feels better and this heat lets up. 90 degrees here again! The good thing is that paint dries fast in this heat.
I did take all the kids out to the grocery story to get soup and picked up lots of boxes. Looks like kitchen demo will happen this weekend. Our cabinets are now scheduled to go in Nov. 18th. I also called to get our tile scheduled to happy that we are making some headway. Looks like we will not have a kitchen for Thanksgiving. There is always take-out!
We are getting closer to painting my dreaded office so I am wrapping up a deadline I have for FiberMark. Two more layouts done: