To know you make a difference means a lot. This was shared by a dear friend and artist, Yvonne while I was away:
"Tonight I sat down and
doodled. I missed Tracy
and her class and did some Zendoodling. It's not my original work….I worked
off a 4-part series on YouTube. I thought of Tracy and all the inspiration
she's given to all of us every Monday night and decided to doodle. You can
check out my blog for more: And then I wrote this poem:
A Facebook page, another group,
That's all it was no doubt.
I asked to join, to try and learn,
what this Mixed Media stuff was about.
Mixed Media Mondays was the name,
And I lurked and read each post.
I clicked on like as I tried to decide,
Which post I liked the most.
A Ustream class, I soon would discover,
And just had to go and see.
A user name I had to pick…
Well, Suzy 800 it came to be.
I joined each Monday to watch and learn,
and to Tracy I would listen.
Glue Mom and Dad, and then the Glue Dots,
What was this woman sniffin'?!
As I tuned in each week, to listen to her,
A new friend I was getting to know.
Her smile and her genuine love to share,
Was just within her & it would glow.
She has a way, of looking within,
And brings out the best in you.
She encourages and pushes, where she sees fit.
A rare talent that is shared by few.
My Mixed Media group, of three hundred plus,
i consider my family, I do.
So many good friends, I've come to know,
I'd not change out this crazy crew.
So Tracy, my friend, I have to say,
You're one in a million to me.
How do I say thanks, how do I repay,
What you've done for me, there's no fee.
I'll continue to watch, to learn and to play,
And one day I hope to greet.
This wonderful person who I've come to know,
Face to face… day we will meet.
♥ ♥ ♥
Thank you Tracy for being who you are…….thank you for sharing what you do…..thank you for encouraging and pushing like you do. You have a gift and I’m ever so grateful you’ve listened to your heart and do and share what you do. You are a blessing."
I returned home to a package with her beautiful art, card and note….
So I don't always know what I am doing, where I am going or what this all leads to but…….maybe you don't always need to know and just wait to see how it unfolds. For now, I made a small difference. Thank you Yvonne for sharing yourself, your art, and more. There are so many who are afraid to do that. You are not one of them!
So as I get back in gear with life I keep on doing what I do and love. You never know when it may make a difference……
"Within you there is a formidable and undeniable sense of purpose. Happiness comes from making a solid and persistent connection to that purpose. When your intentions are supported by a “why” that has meaning, you will find the “how” to bring them to life."