From the Helmar Blog:
The highlights just kept coming for us. I ran into Donna Downey at CHA and immediately I was excited about what she could do with the Helmar product line. Her medium of art is so vast and deep and all I could think about was seeing her use our adhesives and art mediums. I invited her to stop by but knew that her CHA schedule was full as I saw her in a variety of booths doing demonstrations and she also had her own Booth!
I decided to make a visit for her make 'n take at the Prima booth where Helmar supplied her with 450 Quick Dry for her make 'n take.
She is one busy lady but is a a self-proclaimed adhesive addict as I am!
Although I was there for business I could not help but ooh and ahh over her make 'n take. I just wanted to sit down and dig into her creative mind for a few minutes. But better leave the artist to create.
We arranged to catch one another at the HelmarBooth later. (so truth be told it was at this point my deodorant had to kick in over time). Sure Donna, stop by, I am not nervous one bit. Wasn't it just yesterday I was sweating when Stacy Julien stopped by. But when you are sharing what you love you have nothing to lose and sure enough her and Bill came by for some demos and adhesive chit-chat.
It was a complete pleasure to talk to her and Bill. What a great team they make. Thanks Donna and Bill for stopping by. It was our pleasure to show off the Helmar product line and talk to you about Inspired and Donna's adhesive and art medium needs! I am so excited to see what you create!
(thankful we thought to grab my good camera for a good picture).
Stay tuned for yet more CHA highlights and photos…….