Monday marked the start of a new era in our household…high school. We officially have a Junior in college, a sophomore in collage and two freshman in high school. I swear you should never blink because time just flies by!
To say I am proud of them ALL is an understatement and I hope they have a great year…..
Weird to say I was not ready for them to go back but I will break out in my happy dance as the carpool mania begins again!
You intellectually grow to be like the few people you spend most of your time with. So surround yourself with only those who are going to lift you higher.”
Yes time flies by, but you have a wonderful family, I know it takes a lot of work!!!
yes it does! worth it!
Wishing you all a SUPER FINE school year and days filled with blessings. j.
thank you!
No way are the twins in high school already!
crazy, isn’t it?!