I have decided to continue sharing some of my doodle practices just because it is what is inspiring the heck out of me right now! Saturday morning I worked in my studio and just played…..It is fun finding inspiration in everything around me!
I carred my art journal around and a few pens including to the barbor shop where my boys got their hair cuts where I sat outside and drew. I excited me to love practicting these techniques and just trust the process. Trust myself. Coloring again…..
Here is the before and after some coloring……..
some practicing needed…….
I even tried a tree! (tried is key word but still fun!)
Thanks Joanne Sharpe! I am excited to see how this works it's way into my art.
Thank you weekend! Loved the time with the kids, with friends and in my studio. Perfection in my book all the way around!
"You are alive in an immense world with infinite destinations. Take a moment to remind yourself of this fact. Go outside. Look up at the sky and the clouds or the stars. THIS is the world in which you really live. Breathe it in. Then look at your current situation again."