After a weekend of virtually disconnecting from technology (and surviving) I put a focus on my Life List…Bucket List. I have had this list for as long as I can remember. Feel free to see mine HERE. Although these are public I have many that are private on this list too. I mark off items as I go along and every now and again add to the list. I have made it my personal goal to mark these items but but realize that dreams are for sharing. So…….if you do not have a list it is a great time to do it. If you have one, it may be time to up-date it.
Last night I started a whole new journal LIVE with you and imbedded those dreams (ones to do and completed) on the first page. Here is my first page in that book:
MATERIALS LIST: Paint & Decoupage (DecoArt), Template (The Crafter's Workshop), Charcoal Pencil, Ink (Daler Rowney & Dr. Martins), Stamp Ink (Marvy Heritage), Paint Markers (Montana Paint), Stickles
If you missed it LIVE you can see the recording HERE:
The great thing about Mixed Media Mondays is it allows me to share one of my dreams every day….."Have a studio at home that I produce art & inspire". I hope this project got you thinking about your dreams…….they are not silly. They are not pipe dreams. They are yours…….write them down, share them, watch them grow….
“Today is going to be a great day….If you’re reading this right now, SMILE, you’re alive. The possibilities ahead of you are infinite, it’s true. Think about this and let it inspire you.
Your life is for smiling, imagining, exploring, learning, hugging, sharing, caring, helping, and healing. Choose to do these things. Choose to make the most of the gift you’ve been given. Wake up every morning in such a way that the negativity committee lingering in the back of your mind says, “Oh crap, not another happy day!”