Although back from my trip it has taken a moment to get back on my feet. There was laundry to catch up on, work to go back to and kids to hug every five seconds. The list was a mile long but slowly things are back on track. Along with that I have made some work changes and am racing to get a project done by mid February. In the midst of the craziness I returned to what I love so dearly and that is gluing paper. I decided to make some Valentine's gifts for the kid's teachers. I will share those soon. They are turning out cute and just feels good to feel creative again.
So I thought i would share a new song I heard today and stopped me in my tracks. This is not going to be a political rant as you will never get that from me. To each his own. I am not sure if this has to do with the fact I was born and raised in Michigan and was raised in the automotive industry. Dad worked for Ford and several relatives worked for various car companies. Now with the downturn of the economy and the automobile industry my beloved state is taking a hit. So that is why this song hit home and I wanted to share. (fast forward to get to the song):
I know that times are tougher and this song really hit home for me. Again, this is a not a political rant nor do I have a solution but I can add "Buy American"! I am appreciative this artist wrote a song reflective of our time.