I love the emails and comments I get posted to the site here. I love engaging with new people and sharing with close friends. I get such a kick when I get those questions addressing my craziness with a label maker (I think they have a name for that OCD). I have many lurkers or as my friend says she likes to stalk me here. This site started as a way for me to journal the events of our lives and share with my family. It kind of took on a life of it’s own and I couldn’t be happier. So keep those emails, questions and comments coming. When I get a sec I will share details of my scrapbook studio. I am asked a lot about that and detailed photos would probably help. Things move around so much in there that new photos every few months are needed. Keep those offers coming to fly me to your location to organize your space. I have this perpetual need to move things around so that would be good for me.
While we are sharing, anyone want to recommend any good books they have read lately. Please comment or email me. I could use some good summer reads. I think that is one of the reasons I love summer so much. It reminds me of being young when I had all sorts of time to read (OK, I admit I was a geek)! Tyler loves to read and I am proud of that. So please….make some recommendations. My last few books have really fell short for me. And again….thanks for taking the time to share life with me.