This morning the question was posted on our Mixed Media Monday Facebook Group:

"Here's a question from Tracy today: Name FIVE things right now within sight that make you smile. READY SET GO!"


Here are my five items:



Flowers given to me…I love flowers especially in my studio……..



my doodle art journal which I was creative in all weekend…


Yum…….my morning Awake tea in my favorite Mixed Media Monday mug and guess what…it's MONDAY! 



This card made for me by the very special Sandee…love seeing Tracy the Artist.  It inspires me….


Red, white and blue Viewtainers for a July promo I am working on this Monday morning…..



These are all making me smile…..

"You feel a unique gift burning inside you that you want to offer to the world, to help move it in the right direction.  It may be covered up by years of waiting, doubting and defeat, but it’s present and as bright as ever.  If you look deeply enough, you’ll find it.  There is a capable person inside you that wants to soar, to create, to build, to love, to inspire, to do far more than just exist."