Every now again I check in and look at the state of my life, the status of my desk and make sure those things that are there bring joy and not stress….I call this my Desk Check. Last one was 9/21/12 HERE.
On this November 2nd I find some things that are making me feel content!……I was surprised yesterady with this magazine saying I was published in it and thought it was a mistake! Nope……this was originally published in April/May 2010 and so happy to see it again!
A few other things that are making me smile……
- Lovely smelling autumn candle burning.
- Projects I have in the works.
- My NEW iphone telling me that since Oct 1st my "no excuses" October has paid OFF and I am 12 lbs lighter and walked over 12 miles this week!
- My new RHS Bulldog pride sweatshirt thrown on my chair (GO BULLDOGS! I will be there tonight!)
It's that simple! It is the simple things that make me happy! Have you checked your desk today?
"Live by choice, not by chance. Make changes, not excuses. Be motivated, not manipulated. Work to excel, not compete. Choose to listen to your inner voice, not the jumbled opinions of everyone else."