Wow, this summer is busy already! Friday we found ourselves at Susan’s for a day by the pool. Now there is something about me and pools that don’t go together. First off laying by a pool means actually means laying still. Sitting in the sun means being hot and swimming means having three kids ride on your back like your Shamu.
So by going to Susan’s I am forced to just sit and relax. I have even been known to read a book. The kids have a trampoline and pool slide to ride so my job is to just soak in the rays. Oh yeah, I did get involved in a competitive water balloon toss. It was intense but the old ladies pulled it out. Thanks Susan for making me sit and relax…….
Anyone see my balloon? A Girl Can Dream!
Then it was home to shower and get ready for my new photography group. Some of us from our photography workshop formed a group to discuss our passion and business in photography. I am going to "out" Kelly and I for a minute. Every trip that Kelly and I have is an adventure and I have decided that Kelly and I could never be a couple (and just in time for California to legalize same-sex marriages)……for some reason when we are together I become the man in the relationship. We stop to get gas and who has to get out and pump it?…ME! I even offered window washing services while she sits in the cool A/C’d car. I was the one wearing the dress too! And of course we took a wrong turn……someone at dinner said we are like the Seinfeld & Fraser show put together. Kelly and I would make a good team for a sitcom. Are there any producers reading this? Next time I will put my flip video on and just record our road trip.
We met at a Mexican restaurant that was fun until the Mariachi band piped in and the trumpet guy scared the guacamole out of me. He leaned in for the serenade and I jumped a mile. Picture courtesy of Kelly
What a great group of women! I feel honored to sit among such a talented group. They are all diversely talented and are all Moms. Oh yeah and they realize the value of the Margarita and ice cream! Now that is my kind of group. We had a great time! And I am excited to be hosting the group in the future.