After a very busy week of mailing boxes out (Helmar USA Design team is very happy), cleaning my office (so I can see my floor and not walk on a paper landmine), up-dating my list of deadlines, climbing Mt. Everest (ok, it only felt like it), and doing a bunch of "admin" stuff I decided to get back the basics……..cutting and gluing. Yep, I needed to dig my heals in and find my creative spirit.
My infamous List!
my current projects and a nice hot cup of tea.
I am so excited to work with the new Scrappin Sports custom line! More to come on that but it is so cool seeing paper that says"Tracy Weinzapfel Burgos" all over it. Now that is custom! I will post all those projects this weekend but here is a sneak peak…..
Yes, that paper has my name on it!
So happy to be doing what I love again and find a bit of creative energy.
I am even thinking about getting the tree up this weekend so we can decorate it this week. I am slowly getting into the holiday spirit. It is way too early to put on that holiday music but the new Christmas tea light houses went on the mantel today. And, I am considering a real Christmas tree. The last real one we had was when Pete was away and I put it up by myself and it fell on me. Yep, I was almost konked out by a Christmas tree. I had to call a neighbor to come over and rescue me.
So on that note………..I hope you all have a great weekend, take a moment to do the things you love, and get those holiday decorations up. And, if the mood so hits you come over and put mine up too.