I think we need a theme song for this post and it is my College Alma Mater’s Fight Song…………Michigan State University
Ok, that is better. Today we headed to the Michigan State campus to sight-see, shop and see our friend’s Julie and Jaden.
First we ate lunch at the ever famous Peanut Barrel. This is a local spot we used to meet at to study and have a beer (I know drinking and studying do not mix!) and the burgers are delicious to this very day.
Then we met up with Julie and Jaden and got some shopping in to pick up some MSU gear. Can I just tell you that Aunt Julie was nice enough to buy my kids giant foam fingers and footballs? (I had the strange urge to give her a finger). I am sure the people they sit next to on the plane with love those foam fingers. Aunt Tracy paid back by buying Jaden a nice messy sucker. Julie was a roommate of mine in college and to this day whenever we meet up it was like we never were apart. She is also Tyler’s Godmother. Can you believe that this angelic lady (the Godmother of my first born) gave me a finger (not a foam one either) in the picture previous to this?
We headed on campus to feed the ducks in the Red Cedar River in front of the library. This had to be one of my most favorite places on campus when I went to school there.
The kids loved being with Jaden and of course I could not stop snapping photos of him!
Then on to see Sparty and the famous stadium.
The day was not over yet. We headed to the Michigan Athletic Club and took the kids swimming (is anyone tired from our vacation already???? I know I sure am!).
We literally tired Jaden right out (ok, I admit I slept the whole way home too and probably drooled like this).
Thank you guys for a great day! See you soon………this weekend to be exact up-north!