Let the temperatures fly……..Tyler is sick. What a bummer. My adventures in sickness started last night at midnight. My dear friend was a friend indeed at midnight last night and thankfully she called me. Janine developed a bad eye infection and last night it became too unbearable. She called her hubby and I came over to sit with the kids while he took her to the emergency room. Too bad I did not think to punch her and make her bleed because as they found out eye infections come behind stabbings, gun shots, heart attacks, 3rd degree burns, mosquito bites and headaches. She was last on the emergency room totem pole. I pretty much caught up on re-runs of Roseanne all night. Thankfully she got a much needed prescription and they arrived home about 5 am. As I left she said "I Love You Trace" and I looked back and said "I know you would do it for me". True friends………and this means a lot to me since we have no family out here. It does take a village to raise your children she is part of my village. Plus I now figure I rack up "friends points" so I am good to go. Her family is trying to shake a mysterious virus and since our kids are so intermingled it has jumped ship to us. Hmmmmm….since Victoria is also part of the village I hope it does not take over her tribe.
So today after getting a couple hours sleep I got up to tackle the grocery shopping. I realized my iPod made that trip bearable. In the meantime, Joey was at his first camp all by himself. Yep, it is time to cut the umbilical cord and he went to Cub Scout Camp. Janine and Victoria (my Village) invited him along and are chaperoning him for the week. He is all on his own and according to Victoria he was smiling ear to ear today. He was all too excited to tell me what he did. I had meant to go with him this morning to take some photos but I will do that Friday. I was ever so proud of his behavior. I guess when Mom is not around he can eat, breath and survive. Oh my Baby is not a baby. Woo Hoo…….it gives me hope that he will not live with me when he is 30 despite what he says.