Alisha Tagged me so here goes nothing….
- Three people/things that make me laugh: my family (that counts as 4) and the stupid things I do (which is quite a few)
- Three things that scare me: Scorpians, public speaking, falling from high places.
- Three things I love: my family, my friends, waking up every day.
- Three things I hate: being late, smoking & the day I don’t wake up.
- Three things I don’t understand: litter bugs, the mechanics of automobiles, why gravity has to be so mean to my body.
- Three things on my desk: Two Printers, My Moniter & Telephone (my scrapbook desk is a whole other story)
- Three things I want to do before I die: I got a whole Life List of things. Can’t limit to just three.
- Three things I can do: scrapbook, laugh at myself, be a Mom & Wife (the verdict is still out on how good I am at both)
- Three things I would like to learn: Photoshop Elements, how to cook and enjoy it, Paragliding (ok, so I could not think of a third one but that sounds good.
- Three favorite foods: cooked mushrooms, blueberries, artichokes (not together of course)
- Three beverages I drink regularly: water, tea (green & regular)
- Three TV shows/books I watched/read as a kid: Brady Bunch, Fame, CHIPS (maybe that is why I moved to California).