I love this holiday! You don't have to decorate, send a Hallmark greeting card, wrap any gifts or come together to celebrate. It is just a fun day of pranks. That holiday was made for me! Last night my darling son made the mistake of going to bed and as he left my office he said "Mom, don't forget tomorrow is April Fools so I would watch my back" (and he had an evil little chuckle to go with it).
Oh my darling son, how does the saying go…."Don't play with the bull as you will get the horns". Doesn't he know his mother better. So at 12:01 AM I was geared up and ready (thanks to an idea from Jimmy Kimmel).
I know I may be killed for it but it was so worth it! I am taping Jimmy Kimmel just in case the remote chance this gets on.
"Thanks for putting this cip on youtube. We think it is funny and would like to show the clip on Jimmy Kimmel Live tonight. In order for us to show it, we need to get your permission by filling out a video release which I will send to you . Please contact me immediately so that we can get this on the air tonight!"
(crud if they are joking me they got me good!)
OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS! I am totally cracking up. I called the guy to make sure that this was not a prank from my friend Julie and sure enough he is real. And, funny thing is when I called Julie she thought I was pranking her! The pranks are flying around here so much that no one knows who to believe but sure enough he is legitimate and I talked to Jimmy Kimmel's "person" live.
Happy April Fool's Day to everyone! Whether I got you or not I thought about it and it is the thought that counts.