Like my new Texas accent? OK, nice try. We are in the Lone Star State. It is VERY humid and it rained right when we got here. When you see the sun 360
days a year the rain is a nice welcome. The kids were gems on the plane and Tyler was excellent back-up when he saw I left my laptop at luggage check-in. We started our trip with a steak dinner at Texas Land & Cattle Steak House. It was yummy and fattening. When we got back to the hotel the kids started to quibble so I went down to the hotel gym for 45 minutes. It felt great. I think I will make use of that this week.
Tomorrow we head over to a friend of mine, Char for a visit with her family. I am looking forward to it. After we may head into Ft. Worth to see the sights. Char gave me some great ideas.