So just like in the movie Pretty Woman imagine that guy yelling out at the end of the movie……..
"Welcome to Hollywood! What's your dream? Everybody comes here; this is Hollywood, land of dreams. Some dreams come true, some don't; but keep on dreamin' – this is Hollywood. Always time to dream, so keep on dreamin'"
We were in search of that dream today. You have to understand that whenever Susan, my mom and I go on a road trip and I am the navigator crazy ideas spring up. Today our quest was to see the Hollywood sign. After passing those familier Hollywood streets……..
we were on a quest to get to that sign which is quite ridiculous in itself when you consider it is just a bunch of letters on the side of a mountain. But once we spotted it we just had to get closer.
We solicitated the directions from a parking enforcmenet guy and then two very helpful random guys walking along. We drove down narrow streets and meandered in expensive neighborhoods………I decided to pull out the video camera. (please excuse the amatuer approach and the out of focus shots but you get the idea)……
So once we found the sign we wanted to get even closer only to lose sight of it (I know, how do you lose huge letters on a mountain but we did). We stopped at the end of a street and decided to climb up the trail where a few tourists were sighted. As we looked over the Hollywood hills down the mountain Susan turned around only to scream "TURN AROUND"……………..HELLO there were those huge letters and they were up close and personal. We found them and by accident!
Keep in mind at this point Michaela and Kayla think us ladies have all lost our minds. One day I hope they takes these girl trips together and share their own Hollywood Dreams…………stay tuned for our American Girl fun.