After months of debating, looking ,selling, not selling, adding on, not adding on, etc. we have found our new, old home.  The great thing is it will be little to no cost to relocate.  The packing up will be so easy, the change of address cards will not be required, I keep the sunsets I know and love, there is a pool, and we will be making the home ours………..Welcome to our new, old home.  Yep………mine!  The For Sale sign is down and the love that has gone into making this a home will continue.


New things are coming and stay tuned for that.  In the meantime, the plans and measurements are being taken for a new Studio.  We feel like a weight has been lifted from our shoulders and we no longer have to keep the house spotless for people to come critique our home (I think I may leave the sign up just so the kids keep it going).  We have remodeling plans and more to put our footprint on our home sweet home.


Stay tuned……………… our story unfolds.  November is a big month!  Bring it on…..

Setbacks and challenging moments in life are also opportunities in disguise for something bigger and better.  If we can learn to appreciate and embrace them equally to the moments that make us feel happy, we can more easily see the light in our darkest moments, push through these difficult times and make the most of every opportunity to heal and grow.”