So tonight I think I found my calling and it was in church of all places. Yep, I found something that I am good at. Tonight I took the kids to church for the pancake dinner. They had a pancake eating contest. The kids went first then they called the adults up. The men strutted up there and the kids were prodding me to go up. So I gave in and tucked myself up in the back row next to these big intimidating pancake-eating guys. It was fastest to eat the pancake wins. No problem. I roll it up and in about two swallows had the thing down (ok, lodged in my esophagus) but out of my mouth no less. So you are looking at the pancake champ and the winner of a $10 Starbucks gift card. Everyone was laughing and I could not believe I won. So I guess you could say I found my calling. I have decided to take my new talents on the road and am officially training for competition eating. I am thinking that I may need to hold off on the training until this pancake comes unlodged but right after that, count me in. Supposedly there is video of this win so I will share if that surfaces.