What a great end to 2013! I swear I do not know where the time goes and I apologize for the delay in getting the January Creative Dare posted! The beginning of January has already been a whirlwind and I feel refreshed and happy. As I shared on our last Mixed Media Monday my word for 2014 is Believe…
I have traveled some bumpy roads, walked some miles and smiled, laughed and cried. I truly do Believe in my dreams, everything good is possible, I believe in those around me, Love and most of all in myself. There are some new and amazing things coming in 2014 and I am ready. I kind feel like I have been preparing all 43 years of my life. So with that said………
I DARE you to use your Word of 2014 Creatively. Put it to paper, canvas, card, or whatever medium you prefer!
Here is my piece:
To submit just upload your layouts below “ADD YOUR LINK”! If you do not have a blog to link to don’t worry! You can still upload to Flicker HERE and link from there too!
I am excited to announce that our OFFICIAL SPONSOR FOR October is Viewtainer!! I am proud to be heading to CHA Mega 2014 in Anaheim, CA tomorrow to work with this amazing company. Please stop by Booth #1571 if you are there!
For more information on Viewtainer check them out here:
Website: http://www.viewtainer.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Viewtainer – PLEASE LIKE THEM and thank them for their support.
Thank you to all who submitted and took the December Creative Dare! Once again the submissions were awesome! Our random December Winner is Priya Mehta ! Cindi please email your address to [email protected] to claim your DecoArt prize!
I want to thank everyone for an amazing 2013. Our Facebook group has grown to over 500 and the inspiration for that and every Mixed Media Monday is endless! I have great vision for 2014 and BELIEVE some wonderful things are in store! Stay tuned for my new website, new sponsors, fun techniques and MORE! Now let’s make 2014 the best Creative DARE EVER! I will see you Monday, January 20th for our next LIVE Mixed Media Monday when I return from CHA!!
“Happiness comes when you BELIEVE in what you are doing, know what you are doing and love what you are doing” ~Brian Tracy