I have felt inspired of late but time has not been on my side. Any chance I get I am digging out that “Let it Go” Journal and just getting my ideas down. This has led to greater inspiration for Mixed Media Mondays and really been good for my soul. I want to share the latest pages…..
I am finding inspiration all around and enjoying the creative process which I will share here:
Even getting in the holiday spirit with my watercolors….
I feel inspired. I feel open to just trying new things and Letting it Go. This past Monday’s Mixed Media was based on one simple piece I saw on Facebook……
Every page is different……….this is what makes me happy and puts me into my work. Every week I see Artists using an element from our Mixed Media Monday’s and putting their personality into it. You are different than everyone around you. So often we become caught up in what other’s are doing or how they are doing things instead of listening to ourselves and what is best for us. That goes for work, kids, life, art, etc. I know where I get great joy; with my kids, friends, my Studio, walking, volunteering (yes, even 6th grade camp stuff is fulfilling) and more. This is what lights me up!
So in this journal I am ME. I am enjoying that person. Some pages are great…some not so great but they from me. Time to be You-er than YOU!. TGIF and have a great weekend!
“Love yourself! Forgive yourself! Accept yourself! You are YOU and that’s the beginning and the end – no apologies, no regrets.”