I love that people take November as a time to focus each day on what they are thankful for. You may notice that I am not actively participating on Facebook or my blog and not because I am not thankful. In fact, it is quite the opposite. I am thankful for something every day in good and bad times. I try to capture moments of thanks in the daily pictures I take. They are to recognize those things that make me smile, appreciate my walks/health/life, see what my kid’s are doing, watching my fella share his love for fishing, laughing with friends, eating delicious food, sipping a glass of wine, and show each and everyone around me that I am thankful they are part of it. Sometimes the words are not there but pictures can speak a 1000 words.
That has been a life lesson for me. One I have embraced, read books, shared with others to change my mindset and evolve. I read books, changed the way I lived and created a life I want to live. I have lived by that motto. One such book I recommend……
So these are my moments of thankfulness. I have the worst memory (or as I like to think about it, my brain is just too full) so pictures are my way to capture the moment, the feeling and that second of what I am thankful for.
These are the moments, sometimes the imperfect moment that I am most thankful every day. My life……..
My goal for November is to be in the moment. I know the month will speed by and be filled with lots I am thankful for. I intend to continue to live my life as a thank you.
I highly recommend you find something in each day to be Thankful for every day of the year.
No matter where you are, you can find something about that place that is beautiful, true or good, even if it is simply the lessons you are able to learn there. Look for what is RIGHT about where you are.
No matter what situation you are in, there is something good to find inside of it. Look for what is RIGHT about a situation. Most importantly, no matter what mistakes you have made, no matter how disappointed you are, no matter what has happened, you can ALWAYS find your own value, you can always look for what is RIGHT about yourself and take a break from looking for what is wrong. SEE what is right about you, beautiful beautiful amazing you.”
Well said. You have a beautiful family and I also have many things to be thankful for I really need to stop and take a moment to stop and feel it. I need to get this book. Have a wonderful day Tracy.
Sue Z.
Wonderful read and think you will enjoy it Sue ♥
You are so right and being thankful is a huge part of life that we need to appreciate every day. thanks for the reminder!
my pleasure! it has brought so many like-minded people to cross my path! better then the grumpy ones 🙂