I AM excited about this month’s Creative Dare! Donna Leuder posted this to the MMM Facebook Group:
This sparked some great conversation so Monday’s Mixed Media LIVE was all about that and here is what I painted:
March is all about “I AM” which I further shared about yesturday HERE. I really am looking to seeing everyone’s projects from this. Stretch yourself and like I said, you can share 1 piece with all the things you are or one piece per. Submit as many times as you would like and each Monday we will delve into that this month.
To submit just upload your layouts below “ADD YOUR LINK”! If you do not have a blog to link to don’t worry! You can still upload to Flicker HERE and link from there too! Our OFFICIAL SPONSOR FOR March is Beacon Adhesives!!!! I had the pleasure of being next to their booth at CHA and they are such great people! I love their products too!
Website: http://www.beaconadhesives.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beaconadhesives – PLEASE LIKE THEM and thank them for their support.
Here is the calendar for March 2014:
Remember the best way to stay connected is by joining our Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/112352452239274/ (click to join)
All shows can be viewed here LIVE FREE: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tracy-weinzapfel
All recorded Shows can be viewed Here: http://www.youtube.com/user/TraceB5
Thank you to all who submitted and took the January Creative Dare! We had a record number 44 submissions! Our random Winner is Tommy Jo Vilello-Anderson!
I AM beyond excited for March and thank everyone for participating!!!