What a great weekend we had and I am home……happy to be home, with all my kids, The Furball and my life.  Seriously loving life and all it has to bring so anxious to be up and back at it.  The one thing in my life that I have been thinking about is my body.  It is 43 years old and has served me well (other than some intense ankle issues).  Have I always been the best to my body?  Not really and I have been blessed with some awesome genes.  So when I complain about my weight I get the eye-rolling from others.  But this I know about my body….it is my vessel.  I am either fueled or not fueled and lately I am sluggish..heavier and just not feeling right.

I read this great article about Tips for Artful Living and #1 is Taking Care of Your Body.  So I had my moments of self-wallowing pity and excuses for all the "happy" pound but it is time to get back at it.  I know what it takes….I know what I should be doing and not be doing and it starts with ME.  

So here is where I begin……..again:

  • Be in nature. for me it is walking/hiking.
  • Count my calories and be accountable for what I eat.  I love the app "LoseIt" and am back to locking in my intake. Feel free to Friend me on it if you have the App ([email protected])


  •  Working out…….Hate it, need it and going to force myself to do it.  Today I am going to try a Spin Class and I am embarrassed and dreading it.
  • Listen to your body wisdom. Your body knows what you need – and don’t need – to be healthy.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Eat right…..breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack and NO eating past 7:30!  No starving, skipping meals or excuses……just eat balanced.

Sounds so simple but it is not.  Time to get my good habits back so that this girl…..in the swimsuit feels great again!.  I did not say LOOKS……..I said FEELS!


 So no eye-rolling and ask yourself how you feel.  It is all part of the bigger picture and what your body is telling you. Mine is telling me to stop making excuses, make some time for me.  It is not telling me to cut back on Cheering to Life or enjoying it but being mindful of ME and how I feel!

As this Birthday month comes to a close this I know for sure…I am blessed, happy and ready to take ME on!  Now wish me luck…at 9 am I head back to the gym to take a spin class and hoping I don't make a fool of myself and I can complete the 30 minutes.  

UPDATE:  I took the 30-minute spin class and DID IT!  Day one is underway and already sweating feels good (well now that I am done….during was hard!).  As my wise personal trainer friend Victoria says…"If it's hard it's worth doing…you know that!"…..WHOOP!


"… doing your very best and then letting go and trusting that things will work out the way they’re supposed to, without trying to control every little detail of the outcome.  Instead of expecting to always get what you want, you appreciate the journey enough to want what you get.  The joy of the freedom this brings gradually becomes more pleasurable than the outcome itself."