What a great way to start my week by trying something new for Mixed Media Monday!  It felt good to use some new colors (brown!) and just freely paint with my watercolors. I am always encouraging you to paint “out of the box” and out of your comfort zone and that is what I did.  Here is what I painted LIVE:


MATERIALS LIST:  Paper-Strathmore Mixed Media Vellum Surface, Watercolor Paints – Grumbacher Opaque & Transparent, Pens – Sharpie, Uniball Signo White, Decoart Black Canvas Marker, DecoArt Acrylic Sealer (Matte).

Remember if you are not logged in you cannot participate in the chat live.  I enjoy following along as best I can and appreciate all that is shared.  Truly this is an amazing group of women (and husbands who watch!)  If you missed the recording you can catch it HERE:

Once again the piece came together with the details and doodles:

It was a great way to start the week and share some of the ideas that are coming out of my art journal lately.  Remember to join the Facebook Group HERE and share your MMM inspired projects!   I love to see MMM-inspired ART! Remember we are off next week as I will be at NAMTA however see you in MAY FOR MY BIRTHDAY MONTH!!!!


Don’t try to be normal; there’s no such thing.  Life is all about spending it in your own way.  Always be yourself and walk comfortably in your own shoes.  Anyone who tells you you’re doing it wrong… is wrong.”