I so loved having my parents here……..I have the best parents in the world. It was nice to take time off and just sightsee with them. In January we continued to take in the sights and sounds of San Diego including Old Town, the Midway, and the San Diego Car Show in January.
Of course my dad could not give resist giving us a scare on or should I say off the bike. One particular ride he came back rather soon and with a heck of a lot of blood. He took a tumble going downhill and had one bad case of road rash……….
He stops my heart every now and again and I wonder why he cannot just cradle an AARP card and be a senior citizen. You know, the stereotype of a grandpa with rounded glasses in a rocking chair? Nope, he has the need for speed and you just gotta love him for it. And I might add that in typical biker style his immediate thought was not about the blood gushing from his wounds but what the condition his bike was in. Now that is a true biker! (or is that a true nutcase…you be the judge).
It was so hard to say good-bye to everyone and see them drive off. Thanks Mom and Dad for all the help, fun and support. Thanks Mark for the same and thanks for doing all the driving. Kurtis, I hope you had fun! I know we sure did. Next time we will extend our trip past state lines so you can see more of this great United States of America!