The past couple of days I have shared on my blog two entries in the San Diego County Fair "Small Image Contest". Neither one were ribbon winners HOWEVER…….my friend Jacqueline hit it on the head with this comment:
"Cute…Even though there weren't any ribbons at the Fair… The fact you entered your work is cool, and I'm sure you brought inspiration to many who saw it. 🙂 Keep on Artin' On LOL!!"
She is so right….this was about trying something new and putting myself out there (along with a free ticket to the fair!). I literally did put my heart out on the table….
I have always had a great respect for my friend Kelly (amazing photographer) who enters her work to be judged and critiqued (and her work is amazing!!). It was great to have her with me. Look at the petrified look on my face LOL
I have always been afraid of expressing my work and sharing it along with having it judged!!! But putting myself out there, sharing it and more has been so fulfilling! So thank you to those fellow artists who shared this with me and to my friends who always up-lift me even when I make a fool of myself!
The whole process was fun! Seeing your own work out there is a lot of fun!.
There were tons of great entries to see!
The judging was hard to stand and wonder what he was thinking….
The day spent with the kids was great and this just made it even better. Next year I will submit pieces bigger and better (and possibly start the projects sooner and not the night before!).
I hope in some small way I can encourage others to just put it all out there and go for it…
"Sometimes to get where you want to go, you have to do what you are afraid to do. You must be brave and push forward. Miracles occur when you give as much attention and energy to your dreams as you do to your fears." ~Marc and Angel