Sunday night Kelly and I made a last minute decision to go to Los Angeles for a photography seminar on Monday.  What an opportunity it was!  It is called the Total Truth Tour and oh what a host of talent there was!  The first speaker was Robert Evans.  He photographed Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes wedding, Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston wedding and so many more celebrities.  Then came Sara France, local San Diego girl!  Carlos Baez from Miami did a mini photo shoot and demonstrated different lighting techniques.
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Then came Dane Sanders.  He was my favorite speaker.  Very motivating, talented and we picked up his new book. 

With that overload of information we then had a Q & A session.  These photographers all charge tens of thousands of dollars for wedding yet are humble, nice and share their knowledge & experiences. 

074bagcovers_2 Then came the reason we drove all the way to Los Angeles, Me Ra Koh held a two hour seminar for women  only. It was an amazing two hours that I felt so blessed to be a part of.  Now I am not just saying that because I won a gift bag!  I won two DVD’s from Me Ra AND………….A Jessica Claire ShootSac Lens Bag!  Now it was even better when Kelly explained what I won.  Wow, I never win anything and I won this one for having twins!

Thank you Me Ra for a one-of-a-kind seminar.  This is one of those experiences that is hard to explain.  I equate it to the bond you have at 6th grade camp and there was even a guitar player there. 

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Now I have to say the best part of the day was sharing it with Kelly (P.S.  now don’t let that go to your head girl!).  I do have a feeling if she sees me with my new Shootsac she may just shoot me but I am willing to take that chance.  It looks so pretty!  Another great part was seeing Katie from our May workshop!  So great to see you Katie!

Thank you Kel for driving (and putting up with me as I kept nodding off on the way home) and for sharing in this passion of ours!  I had a great time!