Every year I attend Open House for the kiddos and this year it hit me more than usual that they are growing so fast. When they were todders wearing diapers I thought that time would never end as I was running on empty, feeding, changing diapers and trying not to lose my mind. As we end this year I realize I will have a freshman in high school and two fourth graders! That time just slipped through my fingers. How times have changed. With Tyler I was in the school volunteering (I called that helium arm time) and now with the twins I have to be more selectful with my volunteer time so I love these opportunities to see how hard they have been working.
This year Joey was first to show off his classroom….
Of course I could not be prouder…..
Then it was Micky's turn (and trust me if you did not listen to her on this tour she gave me that stern teacher look!)……
again….just soaking in this moment of pride for my girl who works so hard especially since things do not come as easy for her.
But another moment struck me as we were there for the twins…Tyler with his kindergarten and third grade teacher….
What a great capture and just capped off how fast time flies……..he was just starting school yesterday and now I lose him to high school (don't tell him how scared I am that time will fly). But I have today and plan on taking in these moments for as long as I can.
"Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." ~Carl Sandburg