Art Projects, Mixed Media Mondays
The theme for Monday’s Mixed Media Monday was “Teenagers Happen”. Yes, thanks to one of my teenagers (who had no idea he was downloading movies and stealing the bandwidth) the show did not go on. However, I am happy to say that I did carry on with...
Art Projects, Mixed Media Mondays
Thank you for another awesome Mixed Media Monday with lots of new viewers! Here is what I painted Monday LIVE…… Here is the list of materials that I used to create this page… MATERIALS LIST: DECOART MEDIA LINE SOLD IN THE SHOP HERE! DecoArt Media Line: DecoArt Media...
DecoArt, Mixed Media Mondays
I’m back after a very busy couple of weeks. It was so great to be back for Mixed Media Monday with lots of new viewers! I consider MMM my home, my creative time and a break from it all so it was great to be HOME! I have been on the road with DecoArt so only...
Art Projects, Mixed Media Mondays
Thank you for another awesome Mixed Media Monday with lots of new viewers! Spring has sprung and texture was the theme of the night!! What a great release of color and creativity tonight. That was exactly what I needed! There was lots of DecoArt Mixed...