Let’s take a walk through my art journal……a diary of sorts. It is my safe space to play and experiment. I love those days where I step in the Studio and just experiment. I say over and over to everyone “it is just a piece of paper” so I give permission to play and let it go.
Maybe it is a new background, scribbling and doodling or coming up with content for Your Artful Journey members it is my time to release and let it go.
Maybe it is a hard day, a hard month, or just some time to breathe I find it is important to make that time for ME!
Here is a walk through one of my art journal. I hope that something here inspires you to carve out that time for YOU!
If you are looking for inspiration or to get started I am LIVE every Wednesday on my Studios Facebook Page with a FREE and FUN demo. I invite you to create right along with me or view and create later. It is great chance to ask questions and meet fellow creatives!
Do not have a website BP! What time On East coast please?.
Sorry Barbara but I do not understand what you mean by “Website BP”. My Facebook Lives are Wednesday at 5:30 pm PST which is 8:30 pm EST.