Today I had the pleasure of photographing my friend’s son. Now keep in mind he has had long (and I mean long) curly hair for a very long time but recently he got a new ‘do. I realized today that his hair was so long that I never noticed his eyes. They are so blue and bright! He is opposed to those standard school photos so Mom asked if I could get some shots of him.
I requested that Mom not be present (since he has these aversion to photos as it is) and when she dropped him off I suggested that we do something to surprise Mommy. He immediatly liked that idea. I suggested we take some good pictures of him to surprise her. He was all over that idea. (I love playing with childrens’ minds LOL).
So out we went and 88 photos later he had the crinched look and said "are we almost done? can I go play?". Yep, all done. Check out this little handsome guy!
To see the entire photos session click HERE. Thanks Tay! I had a lot of fun capturing your personality on film….I hope Mom likes our little surprise.