Today we took a big step forward. We got a lot done. Pete continued to paint the shed and we started to sort through things in the garage. I no longer have to search for the toilet paper roll as I got the towel rack and toilet paper holders installed in the small bathroom! That is a small but big victory in my world. And the biggie………WE GOT CABINETS! And they are so pretty. I am thrilled with them and except for a few glitches they went in fine. After another dinner of take out I came home pooped out but those boxes were just egging me on so I loaded
up the new cabinets. I have four more boxes to go but a hot bath was awaiting me. Pete and I are both pleased with the cabinets. His co-worker and wife did a wonderful job on them. There are a few items to fix and he will be back in a couple of weeks but for the most part they are done and loaded up. I even have my own broom closet. I never thought I would be
excited about that. Now we are anxious for that tile to go in on Monday & Tuesday. I needed a day of progress. Tomorrow Pete will park himself in front of the TV to watch the Chargers and I will attempt to get a few more things hung. There is a lot of finish work, detail, trim, handles, etc. that needs to be dealt with. I have a feeling my dad may be coming here to a punch list of things we just run out of energy for. I can feel a bit of my mojo going but I intend to hang in there.
I think I will unwind now behind my scrapbook desk. I deserve some creative "me" time.