Many know that I have one specific thing on my Life List that has been more of a challenge than a goal……"Get published in Creating Keepsakes Magazine". This week that goal came closer when I was asked to be a Guest Blogger on CK's Blog.
Then today by total surprise a friend emailed me and said I was on page 117 of CK's November Issue! What! ME! I ran to the office and turned to page 117 scouring the page for my work…………
Nada………..but I had a look closer and lo and behold lookie here………
I am proud to say I have been in just about every other publication in print (even CK's partner magazines!) and online but CK has yet to see my creative brilliance (I know a bit of a stretch on that use of the word). Long ago it was a validation of my work but now the meaning has changed as I give myself my own validation of my art. Today it is a personal challenge and a quest to have my work in their magazine so I am putting it out into the universe and appealing to the Creative Gods and CK (or basically anyone that will listen to this rant)……….publish my work in your magazine…..Please! Now I do appreciate the honorable mention but now I am clarifying my request.
Remember Ellen's quest to be on the cover of Oprah (see the mock-up she made) and David Letterman's quest to have Oprah on his show. So today I am putting it out there………….
- I want my work to be published in Creating Keepsakes Magazine
- and while I am putting it out there…….I want to be on Oprah too.
I am still searching for my Oprah accomplishment but I know it is in me. So watch out day time TV. Gee, I went from one magazine to national television. Just putting it out there. If Ellen can be on the cover of O Magazine which she will in December than I certainly can be in Creating Keepsakes Magazine.
So listen up Creative Gods and work with me here. I am putting it out to you!