Someone asked me the other day if I make New Years Resolutions. The answer is no….ok, heck no. I don’t believe in picking a date such as January 1 and turning 360 degrees to do something that in a few months I will forget about and fret over failing. So forget that. I feel that if I wanted to make changes I could start any day and today is that day.
I do believe in having a "Life List". I can remember when I was younger writing down things I would have done by such-and-such an age. I wanted to graduate from collage (did that 1/2 year early), get married (done), have kids (heck I had two more than I thought I would), blah blah. A few years back I realized I had done a lot of those things but wanted to expand my list to fun things. Way back when I started a list in Word. It didn’t have a name. It was just a list of things I wanted to do before I died. Not too long ago I was watching "Ellen" and she has a "Life List". Bingo! I had a name for my list. It is not a list I shared nor really kept track of. After that show I up-dated the list and started adding things to it. So this is not a list of resolutions but things I want to fit into my lifetime. I realize that life is short (when I made that first list I felt like I had eternity to finish it) so I want to fit in everything I can. I shall share my list here:
If anyone wants to share their list I would love to compare. Heck, help me check off a few of mine. I will have my camera handy in 2007!