I am starting a petition that states that Santa should let the kids know that gifts cannot be unwrapped until the sun comes up. The first child (JoJo) comes in at 5:50 "Mom, Santa came!". To which I lovingly replied "Joey, please go to bed for 30 more minutes". Ten minutes later the next rugrat (Micky) comes in "Mom, Santa came!". To which I not-so-lovingly begged "Micky, go back to bed for 30 more minutes". Ten minutes later the third brat comes in "Mom, Santa Came!" to which I just threw the towel in and told them to wake everyone else up. Heck, if I was going to be miserable I wanted all the other adults up too. So by 6:30 am we were unwrapping presents.
Micky loves her American Doll that looks like her
Tyler was thrilled with his new Jr. Golf Clubs
The boys hugged over Joey's Wii Rock Band
Gram and Papa loved the re-gifted album
We were all happy to have Pete home as he usually has to go off to work Ugh, please ignore water spots on water camera
Here I am doing all I can to stay awake and capture this all one film.
Kids were thrilled with what Santa brought, I was thankful to go back to bed from 7-10 am and Pete was thankful for some peace when he caught this nap
And then the Rock Band came out and that peace was short-lived
It was a Merry Christmas for all but a very loud one. Next year I am letting those kids know that the presents stay wrapped until the sun comes up.