Since 2006 I have had the honor of shooting the entire school photo. Every year they make a different shape that has it's own challenges let along coralling over five hundred children. Every year they stack the ladder up on the truck and up I climb but this year they got a lift donated! My fear of being up high is now contained within a small basket lifted in front of over 500 kids!
The nerves really kick in when the kids start filing in…….
Thank heavens for those PTA volunteers who don't mind me on a megaphone!
Now it is all up to me to grab the attention of over 500 kids and staff! and get our final shot!
and then just like that they file out and it is all done. Well except the editing and wondering if I did my job. But another year and this time I did not have to climb up a shaky ladder in the back of a truck. Way to go VOLUNTEERS, TEACHERS, STAFF AND KIDS! I am honored to be able to work with you all! Until next year!
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us" ~Emerson