Sometimes there are moments in your life where someone makes you feel so special. Today was one of those days. Of course my friends mean so much to me. Today one of my dearest and best friends (who I never see) surprised me with a gift basket full of my favorite fruits. Out of the blue Pete comes walking in with a basket. Lo and behold the card read “Thank you for keeping Mel and me alive by having a big mouth! Love, Polly” Now isn’t that just so sweet? LOL! Last night I had a friend in need. Polly was driving home from a concert in Irvine (my friend with the social life). She asked if she could talk to me for an hour since Mel was sleeping and she wanted to stay awake and alive. So being the friend indeed she knew I would be the only one awake in her "database" (to quote her) so we jabber-jawed her whole way home. Little did she know she was
keeping me awake while I worked on a project that needed to be Fed Ex’d today. And of course I loved that time to catch-up. I truly love looking at my ringing cell phone at 1 am and knowing that I get to catch-up with such a great person.
Polly, thank you for being such a friend after all these years. And thank you for making me feel so special! I love ya!
P.S. I will make sure Colleen reads this. Who knows, there may be another basket coming my way LOL