It is that time of year again when I strap on that tool belt and put my construction degree to good use. Christmas time is the time to build houses……Gingerbread Houses! I try to squeak out of it each year but yet again Joey kept saying "When are we going to build our gingerbread house". That kid has the memory of an elephant. So off we go….
Don't tempt me, I am not afraid to use this……
And every year the twins lose their patience waiting for us to get the house erected. I never know why they love it so much but I guess all that decorating makes them forget the fights from two minutes ago. Here is Joey losing it….
Grandpa was egging to step in (and trust me, he had all sorts of tips to shore those walls up)…The best was when I just threatened to pull out my Helmar glue to glue that puppy together! (we don't eat the darn thing anyway!).
But needless to say, we got it built and the fun was in the decorating!
and all's well that ends well in Gingerbread Land. Isn't building a Gingerbread House like any home building project?…Lots of mess, frustration, impatience, fighting, etc. but oh so worth it when you are done.
L♥VE throughout the holidays!
"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas day. Don't clean it up too quickly." ~Andy Rooney