What a week it was last week in my studio.  Orignial pieces sold from my Etsy Store, more inquiries about custom paintings, interview to be a feature artist, the two large canvases arrived at NAMTA and…..large boxes of paints on my doorstep!


all in time for my BIRTHDAY!   I am looking up daily and saying words of thanks…

Someone asked me last week what was definition of success was as an artist.  I thought back to one year ago and how much my life has changed.  

For me success is being able to share what I love.  Do what I love.  Being able to make a living to be a stay-at-home-involved-mom.  Shut down at 5 pm and not let my day jobs or my art get in the way of what is important…spending time with my kids, seeing their games, being a mom and time with great friends. Putting my phone on silent and not responding to it.  BALANCE…..Don't get me wrong, I live and breath my passion.  I am a passionate person and I know that.  This week I took stock in how far I have come and not knowing exactly where I am going but it sure does feel right.  

I don't know what success means to me:  a Ford mustang, a big bathtub.  Sure those are the material things but for me selling a piece of my heart I mean ART means a ton to me.  Seeing other people gain pleasure from something that came from my studio.  This came from Kay who purchased a piece and framed it:


"All too often our lives can be spread too thin and it becomes important to gather our thoughts and center ourselves to become whole again."  You will recognize this quote in a piece of art I purchased from Tracy Weinzapfel of Tracy Weinzapfel Studios in California. I wanted to show it in the stairwell, but it was a bit tricky! I so love this, and it inspires me each time I ascend the stairs to my 3rd floor art studio!! Thanks, Tracy!"

For me that is success.  

Or this from Sharon who said to me "Tracy – when will your mentor classes start up? You are the best!!! My famous friend! I admire you more than you will ever know."

For me that is success.

This from Mary: " Well I am always up for a good challenge!…there is one thing that I have come to learn from the challenges that you have for us is that I have come to learn many things about myself over the last year or so that I would have never know because I would not have know where to begin! You have given me the courage to try and the inspiration to go on! Thank you friend! …."

For me that is success.

These words from Von "Tracy … people will
emulate their leadership … every time. What you see in us is a direct
reflection of what we see in you. What you give to us is a direct reflection of
what we give to you. That is how this works … every time. Well and then it
tends to snowball too."

For me that is success.
Every Monday more and more sharing Mixed Media Mondays……..knowing I made a difference in some small way in someone's life.

For me that is success.

This I know for sure about my Art which is also a part of my business:

  1. It drives me each and every day.  It is the core of my life and I wake up and go to sleep thinking about it.  Sometimes my next painting just appears in my head.  My real job is being an Artist and my "day" jobs allow me to flex that creativity.  My day jobs also allow me to hone my marketing and sales skills.
  2. I understand that Art is a business just as being a bank teller is.  It is the entreprenuer in me and I value that side of it.
  3. I am a hard worker.  I work hard to play hard.  My flexible hours allow me to be a Fulltime mom to my kids and work well into the night if necessary but make no mistake I work my rear off.
  4. I find myself to be more resilient then I ever thought.  Not everyone will get it, me or what I stand for but I have learned from many experiences and evolved from them.
  5. I choose to spend my time with those who are supportive of my art career.  That includes fellow artists around me, family and friends.  No need to throw obstacles in that path.
  6. Balance is key in anything you do.

For me that is success.

So will I have that Ford Mustang and big bath tub one day…you bet.  For now it does not define me.  Doing what I love with BALANCE is how I measure success.  How do you measure success?


"To accomplish great things, you must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.  Be a dreamer, a believer, a courageous and cheerful thinker.  Be a planner, a doer, a go-getter who keeps her head in the clouds and her feet on the ground.  Let the spirit of passion and possibility ignite a fire within you to do something worthwhile and leave this world a little better than you found it."