Sometimes life takes you down different paths you never expected. Forks in the road appear where you think you are on a long straight one. You would rather travel in the safety of the herd but you find yourself out there. Scary and part of life. But when you really look around you, you realize you are never alone and those things you love so much are right by your side. All of a sudden new doors start to open and that light shines in. New opportunities start to appear.
As I rejoined my good friend for what was once (and still is) a love of mine, hiking and being outdoors I realized that as I approach I this new direction with an open heart and mind there is nothing that can stop me. I tell that to so many around me and now am hearing the words. How lucky am I?
Those speed bumps suck (no other way of putting it) but on the other side is so much. Back to hiking, spending time with a great friend who made me laugh until my gut hurt (or was that the cramp from the running) and following that up with bacon and a pedicure was perfection.
With pretty toes and a hike under my belt I am ready for that the new path. Todays hike pictures seemed so fitting……
And in November we have The Color Run San Diego 2012 we signed up for!:
Finally a walk/run I can embrace. The athlete in me gets to walk (or hobble in my case) and the artist in me gets to be painted!.
Life is about those new paths and the color all around you! I am thankful I get to be a part of all that! What speaks to you? What path are you on? What colors are in your life?
"Change is only scary until it becomes your new normal. Keep Going!" ~Unknown