Tonight I had the honor of seeing Michaela and her friend in the talent show. So as usual, in "Mother-of- the-Year" fashion when Michaela came to me and wanted to be in the talent show I got lost in the busy-ness of our active lives. Being the determined little budding artist she is, she got a partner, they put together their act, and tried out.
My friend and and I just stood back and let the girls go and they came up with a "Knock Knock Routine". We thought about becoming one of those moms from "Toddlers & Tiaras" and put them in cute outfits, add tons of make-up, and primp their hair but no need. We were so proud of how they handled it and entertained the audience….
I got a video….(low quality) but you get the idea of their cuteness.
Heck, when you are that cute who cares about the jokes. So proud of them!