Thank God it is Friday! That is all I can say about that. As so many know there is a great transition going on in my life and that is never easy but so gratifying in so many way. I have not had time to blog in order to take care of the details but those details are falling into place for the next chapter in my life. Very excited about some new dreams and some wonderful adventures but for now I live in TGIF-Land where it is nice to be with the kids, hang around the pool enjoying the nice weather this weekend, going to a birthday party Saturday night and PAINTING!! Now that is what I call a weekend!
So I will skip the details about what I have been up to but I would like to stop and thank everyone for the emails, messages and excitement you all have about this next step in my life. Funny how we all go through rough patches in our life and you feel these moments of being alone but strangely in those moments amazing things happen. You are NEVER alone, you are important and you are Loved. I summed it up the other day…….
"In the ups and downs of life I have found that staying true to who you are, sticking up for what you believe in and giving back in the times that you feel most selfish is what it is all about. It takes those hard time to find that strength you never knew existed…"
I have some friends dealing with some really tough times: a friend who's dad is battling cancer, work issues for another, marriage issues and in some small way we connected and said I was the the spark they needed to open up and talk. It brings great perspective to this crazy thing we call life. So many emails telling me what everyone has going on in their lives. It shows that everything does have a way of working out and a little patience goes a long way. That is my word of 2012 so now putting that into practice.
I especially want to thank the people who joine me Monday night LIVE! The stories and insight that everyone shares there along with the creativity is just what I need. Art does save the spirit and mind! I am so blessed to have that venue and cannot wait for next Monday night! Join us LIVE at 6:00 pm!
With that I close on this TGIF with a great big word of THANKS! I did It! I raised over $1000 for the Relay for Life! For one moment I was on top of the leader board but I gracefully give that title over to my friend and our Team Captain of All Night for the Fight (but don't think I am going to stop trying to catch her ♥)!
I know that the $1200 I raised last year is right around the corner and I feel blessed to participate in this event May 12th-13th! It is not too late to donate on my behalf by clicking HERE.
and watch out because May is right around the corner. My favorite month of the year…my birthday and my first art show! Woo hoo! Gotta coming up with my new saying "42 and ……". Right now it is "41 and having Fun"! TGIF everyone and hope everyone has a great weekend! Mine will be shared with those I care about most!
"In the ups and downs of life I have found that staying true to who you are, sticking up for what you believe in and giving back in the times that you feel most selfish is what it is all about. It takes those hard time to find that strength you never knew existed…" ~Tracy Weinzapfel