I have heard it takes village to raise a child and today my "village" stepped in. Her name is Janine. Without her I would not have been able to get through the day. She started by watching all three kids this morning while I worked. She fed them lunch and got them ready to go to the school where we did some volunteer work. I went home with the kids where I noticed Joey had some nasty bug bites. I had to get him to the doctor and get Tyler to soccer at the same time….step-in Janine. I called her where she let Tyler tag along since her kids had soccer practice. I thought I could make it back to pick up Tyler but my guardian angel stepped in and said not to bother. She kept Tyler and got him Dinner. Did I mention she also brought me cocktail napkins and candy for some projects I need to photograph? Thank you Friend! What a gem that has come into my life.
This leads me to my next project…..A "Thank You" candy container. (Notice my candy matches – Thanks to Janine again). I used Helmar Adhesives and Die Cuts with a View ‘Nana’s Kids’ patterned paper.
P.S. Joey is just fine. Just bug bites.